Ascent rate- the rate of speed you come up at
arterial gas embolism- where a gas bubble gets into your blood stream
blowout preventor- a release valve that controls the gas pressure
blue hole- a sink hole or cave in a lake you can dive into
booster- increases gas pressure
bottom time- the time you are in the water diving
DCIEM tables- charts used to calculate the time you have to wait in order to do your next dive
decompression chamber- a pressurized chamber that slowly decompresses you to prevent decompression illness
decompression illness- when nitrogen bubbles form in your tissues also known as the bends
dive time- the amount of time you are out on a dive
dump valve- a valve that releases air when the air pressure builds up
wet welding- a cheaper but not as strong weld underwater
dry welding- a more expensive weld but a lot stronger
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